Sunday, February 10, 2013

I'm home!  My surgery went well.  The surgeon discovered I had a hernia in my abdominal wall during surgery so he fixed that too!  I feel like Humpty Dumpty put back together again.  The pain is mostly a burning sensation type pain and for me it is just in my abdominals.  The surgery lasted 4 hours -- the staff at Dr. Tkash's were so nice and really added to making the experience positive.  Just prior to surgery I had to stand in front of the doc naked so he could draw lines on my belly.      He got on the floor, sat on his butt and looked like Picasso painting a painting!    This is also when they took their "before" pics.  I told the nurse that I preferred that my 'girls' weren't in the picture -- if he posts them on his website I don't want that out there! ha ha!   When I woke up after surgery it was pretty uncomfortable -- the burning sensation was intense. They gave me some medication to ease that and then my husband had gone to the pharmacy to fill my script for the meds I'm to take from then on. I've been very faithfully taking the medication as it isn't taking the pain away -- just making it tolerable and I don't want to know what that feels like with out some help.  I have 2 drains in that I have to empty a few times a day and record how much drainage there is.  I go back to the doc on Thursday and he will remove one of the drains. I will try to take some pics to ad to this, as I know that's the most interesting part.  But even under the binder, the change appears to be dramatic!  Part of my post Op instructions say I'm supposed to walk 3 times a day for 20 minutes at a time.  These first few days I have to walk with a flexed posture and this really strains my back.  So I've been using a 4 wheeled walker. And let me say that the walking feels really good.  I just can't tolerate much more than that at a time.  I am also pleased that getting on/off the toilet is not excruciating like I thought it would be,  it's not so bad..... I have to sleep in the recliner, as I can't lay flat and on my side hurts too much.  That's all for now.... I'm very sleepy and having a difficult time writing this..... good night!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Eversince I started working on losing weight, I've been considering the eventuality of how my body will look once I reach goal. I know there's going to be a LOT of extra skin (there already is, and I still have a long way to go). I am planning to get a TT soon! I hope your tummy tuck recovery is going smoothly. Best!

  2. Nice to read about your journey.
    Tummy tuck is also called Abdominoplasty. Tummy Tuck procedure is used to reduce the excess fat and skin tissues to restore the perfect shape. Abdominoplasty in Visakhapatnam provides the best treatment with latest equipments.
