Friday, January 25, 2013

Well, I had my pre-surgical visit with my surgeon and his nurse, and I feel so good about my procedure!  I had a list of questions for him based on other people's blogs that I've read. 
Here they are:
1.  How soon can I drive?  2 weeks..... he said that this is more of a legal issue than an ability issue.  If I were to get into a wreck before 2 weeks after anesthesia, than I could be liable. 

2.  What time should I arrive and where do I go?  7:30 am and I just report to his office.  The operating room is on the same floor.  Then I'll be taken to a room at the hospital.  (I live too far away to go home -- so I'll be staying overnight)  And Chris can stay with me overnight..... :)

3. Will he provide me with a compression garment?  yes-- and I was instructed to wear this garment as low as possible to help decrease the swelling in my hoochie area...... :P  He also said not to be alarmed if I have swelled areas in my legs as well.  This is part of the reason I have to have drains in place after the procedure.

4.  Will the drains leak?  he said that they will leak a little bit, but not enough to require sitting on a trash bag on the way home in the car!  I was really relieved to hear that.  He said that major leaking is more common with liposuction.  However, he is doing some liposuction in my procedure, but not enough to cause major leaking..... whew!

5. How do you close the incision?  I had read some other blogs where people talked about having their staples removed.  Seriously?  Staples?  Staples cause the incision area to look like a zipper once the staples are removed (depending on how long they're in there of course).  So I was concerned about this.  He said that he doesn't use anything on the outside!   All of the sutures are beneath the skin and that he will just use tape on the outside.... but nothing else.  He stated that the sutures that he uses are very strong.  I was very excited about this answer.

6. How tight will the incision be?  Will I be able to stand up straight?  He said that initially he prefers that I don't stand completely straight, as it will put a strain on the area, but I don't have to walk hunched over.  

7.  Sleeping Instructions!! I CAN sleep in my bed if I want to!  All the blogs say that they slept in their recliner for up to 10 days or so..... which I might need to do also, but at least there isn't a medical reason not to sleep in my bed.  I guess we'll find out!

8.  How long before the bloating goes down?  6 months.... he says he doesn't do "after" pictures until at least 6 months.  Some say it takes up to a year.....

9. Can I use deodorant the morning of surgery?  (ha ha!  his nurse wanted to know if I was asking about putting deodorant on my privates! -- uh.... no.... my arm pits)   he said YES!  I've read other surgeon's instructions that say you can't.....

Those were my written questions.  When I got my post surgical instruction sheet I discovered that I can shower a mere 48 hours post!!! I'm very very very excited about that!  The nurse said to take a pair of my husband's whitey tighties, cut the crotch out of them and use it during my shower to hang my drains from.  awesome!

Someone from work had been asking me how long you have to wait to resume "intimate" activities.... this wasn't something that I asked about directly -- but the nurse brought it up to me -- the answer is as soon as I want to try it..... ummmm........ probably not too quickly!

We also had a good conversation about pain medication.  I don't respond well to some pain medications, so she ordered me some that we hope won't make me sick.  They also prescribed me a patch that goes behind my ear the night before surgery that stays on for 3 days to help prevent nausea.

They also advised me that on day 3 expect to be depressed and to feel like, "OMG, what have I done to my body?  yadda yadda yadda."  So.... if I cry all day on day 3, then I'll know I'm just normal!  ha ha!

I really feel like they have thought of everything. Surgery is in 2 weeks.  I'll post some "before" pics soon!  Until then,   thank you for sharing this experience with me..... 


  1. I'm with the nurse; I also found the deodorant question weird. Haha! But hey, better safe than sorry. ;) Having said that, it's great that you took the time to ask all the hard-hitting questions before going through with the procedure. It's always better to know exactly what you're putting yourself through before, during and after the surgery rather than go into things blind.


  2. I've been reading your blog for days now. This is SO USEFUL! It all makes sense now! Almost women always feel self-conscious for their tummies, but now a days it pretty simple to have a tummy tuck surgery in Manila .
