Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I'm going to the doc tomorrow and I'm very nervous.  Nervous about the financial aspect of this surgery and nervous that something will go wrong and they won't be able to do it.  I'm also very excited!  I did a mile on the treadmill this morning and did  some research about how soon I can start to exercise after the surgery.  That's up to my doc, but what I'm reading is you can start light exercise in about 3-4 weeks (walking)  and after 6 weeks more aggressive exercise. My goal is to get back to the 5K's and get under 30 minutes this year. But I have to get past this surgery first!  They are going to collect the remainder of my fee, give me final instructions/paperwork and do some labwork.  We'll see what the doc says tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. You may well be high on the idea of getting a tummy tuck and that is not at all surprising. If you are one of those who plan to undergo abdominoplasty, then, it is important for you to first know about the basic facts about it. Check out this blog about Tummy Tuck in Manila. Good luck!
